Welcome to the 40th Gothenburg Open, November 23-24!
The 40th Gothenburg Open Go tournament has been held every year since the early 1980s.
We welcome everyone, no matter if this is your first tournament or if you are a
very experienced player. We usually have participants from 10 different
countries, many who take the opportunity to visit the beautiful city of
Gothenburg on the Swedish west coast. If you are visiting for the first time,
do check out this page for
suggestions on how to experience our city.
A warm welcome to all!
Friends of the Gothenburg Open:

Polgote is dedicated to making it simple to find affordable go lessons from top teachers. It is run by Mateusz Surma 3p.

The Nordic Go Dojo is an online resource for studying Go, run by professional player Antti Törmänen and Go teacher Su Yang, 6d.
Members of the Dojo gets to play weekly games in an online league and receives reviews for each game from exceptionally strong teachers. The Dojo offers a friendly atmosphere and reasonable pricing.
The Internet Go School is a long running online learning platform founded by 5p professional Guo Juan. Guo is one of the strongest players in Europe and also one of the most experienced teachers with massive experience from giving lectures and teaching live and online.
The go school has over the years built up a large collection of lectures & problems and can be well worth checking out for any learning Go player.